CUSIB recognizes Jing Zhang, President of Women’s Rights in China 中國婦權慶祝十週年 再推計生實錄新書

CUSIB recognizes Jing Zhang, President of Women’s Rights in China 中國婦權慶祝十週年 再推計生實錄新書     September 23, 2017 For Immediate Release The Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB – has recognized its Advisory Board member Ms. Jing Zhang, a Laogai survivor, for her work as co-founder and President of Women’s Rights in China (WRC) which […]

Harry Wu

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 8, 2017   Harry Wu   By Ann Noonan, Executive Director, CUSIB   Today marks the birthday of my friend, Harry Wu, who would have turned 80 years old. We were planning to hold a great birthday fundraiser for the Laogai Research Foundation to honor this occasion, had Harry lived. While […]

CUSIB Executive Director Ann Noonan calls for more funding for U.S. broadcasting to China and Tibet

CUSIB News August 7, 2016 Speaking at an event last week in Flushing, NY, sponsored by the Qi’s Cultural Foundation, Ann Noonan, Executive Director for the Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (, stressed the need for the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to increase funding for Voice of America (VOA) radio and TV Chinese language […]

CUSIB calls radio the best countermeasure to Internet censorship and spying on netizens in China

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   September 2, 2014   Ann Noonan, Executive Director of the independent NGO Committee for U.S. International Broadcasting (CUSIB – spoke Monday, September 1, at a press conference in New York’s Chinatown organized by U.S. supporters of democracy in Hong Kong and throughout the rest of China. Ann Noonan made a […]

CUSIB Marks International Human Rights Day

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 10, 2013   CUSIB Marks International Human Rights Day   CUSIB marks the date in history, December 10, 1948, when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN General Assembly. We also wish to highlight the continuing efforts of our Advisory Board Members who remain dedicated to promoting […]

Human rights groups appeal to Congress to save broadcasts to China, Tibet and other nations without free media

Open Letter to Members of House Appropriations Committee Dear Members of Congress: This letter is to request your strong support to restore the funding in the FY2013 Budget for Voice of America (VOA) radio and television broadcasting to China and Tibet. We adamantly object to the proposal by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which […]